The Blue Lady’s Rambling Man

PLOD - Poetry Life or Death
1 min readJun 17, 2020

by Brian D. Knippers

peatland palm plantations
scattered roadside attractions
arms raised whole
in the warm carolina sun
we ride west
eating shantytown hot tamales
in sabine parish
feeling yesterday’s wolfish cravings
run electric blue
and turn to ash
asphalt splinters
under immutable pressure
falling assuredly asunder
as I spill forth
today’s limp objection
just another sign
of a traveling man’s
imperfect imperfection

a sprig of jasmine
extends from her silken hair
suffusing the air
her flawless skin
her infinite beauty
patch in a perfect smile
she smile
which currently hides
her subtle rage
her virulent anger
she asks why?
why would you leave?
I reach for her
comforting hands become
embracing her shoulders
she reaches out
grabbing my shirt
shaking me
why do you always do this?
I look down at her
spittle speckled freckled nose
rambunctious lips
opalescence in her eyes
nothing is forever
I turn around
and leave

her objections
her defiance
echoes forward
I fall deaf to her
but we ride eternal
I will always remember
as she was
we lived a moment
what else is there
what else is there for it?



PLOD - Poetry Life or Death

Musings from an incarcerated dyslexic. Poems, Reviews, Essays, Flash Fiction, Short Stories and other random Lit from behind the wall.